Tuesday, July 1, 2008

back to reality & feeling good about myself

I think I've finally recuperated from my mommies-only getaway this past weekend. Even though we were missing one of our "partners in crime" we really had a fabulous time. Skipping away with my dear girlfriends to a beautiful location (Capitola, Ca) without the responsibilities of parethood nor wifedom was the best prescription for a better me. We shopped, chatted, drank alcohol, took in the sites, ate yummy food, walked, talked, laughed, visited, stayed up late, snacked, joked, ate, ate, talked and laughed some more.

Even though I missed my kids and hubby bunches, it was lovely to truly get away from the daily grind of life and relax a little. It was hard to get back into the groove of being home (except my bed felt fabulous to sleep in); but now I am back to reality and feeling good about myself and where I am at in my life right now(and looking forward to the next time we can hang out together - if even for only a scrapbook night).

1 comment:

lyndar said...

I love your blog! I had a great weekend too. BFF!