Monday, September 22, 2008

Fair-Weather Friends (the feathered kind)

Katie and Kenny have finally settled on names for their feather friends...


Introducing Kenny's birdy buddy: CLOUDY


Meet Katie's little tweetheart: SUNNY

...Get it? They both have weather names *grin*.

The kids are enjoying their little pets and take them out every day to tame them and get them to used to being handled (without the fear of being eaten). Both birds have to be encouraged (i.e. grabbed) to get them out of their cages, but once they are out they don't mind perching on fingers. I try to talk to them every time I enter each kid's room. I am trying to teach Kenny's bird to say, "Hi Ken," and Katie's to say, "Hi Katie." We'll see how well that goes. Since neither kid is a good whistler, I have been given the job of teaching each bird to whistle a tune.

...more later.