Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fred Astaire in the Making

Kenny spent Saturday with Rick. First playing hard (and winning) in his team's soccer game (Go Bears!). Then doing daddy/son things.

Sunday found us sleeping in and then Ken and I went to his best friend, Abigail's 7th birthday party. It was a dancing themed party held at a local dance studio. Ken was the only boy there and took a good 20 minutes of cajoling and tough love to get him to participate. Once he got up and was moving he was happy as a clam. The kids were learning a dance routine from the teenie-bopper movie High School Musical 2. The song was called, What Time is It? Since Ken was the only boy in attendance the dance teachers gave him special attention. They named him Troy, after the lead male in the movie. When the girls had to do a "diva walk". Ken was asked to have an attitude walk and walk with his arms crossed. When the girls put their hands on their hips, Ken was asked to strike a pose with his muscles showing. Too cute and very fun.

In all honesty, I think Ken did an exceptional job of keeping time and remembering the steps. Dancing might be something he persues when he gets older. Someone needs to lift and twirl the girls.

My favorite part of the day was watching Kenny in the cake room flirting with the teenage dance teachers. ... a sign of things to come *grin*.