Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Great News on the Job Front

I've spent the last 24 hours in San Diego with my mom, burying my Nana is the city she loved with all her heart.

While driving from my Nana's chapel service to her graveside service I got a cell phone call. It was a secretary from the school district where my kids go to school. They want to interview me for placement into their second hiring pool. Yes!!

My interview is Friday (think good thoughts for me). If I score well enough on the interview and written "exam" then I will be placed in the district's hiring pool. THEN when openings come up (there aren't any right now), I can be called and offered a position sometime during the school year. I'll take what I can get.

The end of summer is proving to be very stressful in many different ways. Isn't life funny and beautiful and full of adventure?!

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