Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer is Officially Over

The kids and I started back to school yesterday. Katie is in 5th grade this year (the year she rules the school). Kenny is in 2nd and nervous about the whole new situation that awaits him.

Since I had to start my day subbing at our local middle school, Rick had to get the kids dressed, fed and to school. By the time I got to our elementary school (subbing 25% at middle school/75% at elementary), the kids were in class. The few times I saw Ken during the day he was much more somber than usual. It turns out he had a rough start in the morning - he hates any new situations with a passion. He held back tears and was nervous as can be. Rick reports that Katie was nervous too, but her desire to see her old friends outweighed any anxiety and she was fine. My day entails visiting classrooms and supporting students with learning disabilities. It was an easy going day really and I got to visit Katie's classroom and observe how many different teachers kick-off the school year. When we got home I made some homemade ice cream. After we ate it, I went to lie in bed for a bit - the next thing I new I had a child snuggled up on either side of me and we were all taking a nap. We slept for about 30 minutes, got up, took a shower and were in our jammies before Rick got home at 6:30. It was a long tiring day for all of us.

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